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This weeks' workshop activities:

1. Craft – Miniature Castle Models

2. Key Points – World Castles

3. Collaborative – Castle Architecture

4. Writing - Heteronyms

5. Math/Logic - Auction

6. Character Connection – Hero's Cycle: Attainment/Return in Triumph

7. Big Activity – Castle Building

8. Movement – Raid the Castle

Quests to do at home:

  • Identify the architecture styles of various castles.

  • Research King Arthur. Did he really exist, or is he only fairy tale? Explain your opinion in your journal.

  • The medieval times are often called the Dark Ages. Why? Could we have dark ages again? Why or why not? Write your thoughts in your Journal.

  • Discover more about Hogwarts architecture here:



  • Do some online trebuchet activities:

  • Do some online jousting:

  • Make a coat of arms:



  • Play a heraldry game:

  • Compare different types of residences. Make an attribute chart to compare the different qualities of the structures.

  • Other miniature castles ideas:

  • Use cardboard, sugar cubes, or ice blocks.





  • Label the castle parts.

  • Locate castles on six continents.

  • Do a Voldemort logic puzzle:

  • Have the students create a floor plan of Hogwarts or another castle:

  • Read an English pronunciation poem:

  • Create a Medieval marketplace, complete with guilds.

  • Translate some olde English language.

  • Write a modern-day legend.

  • Explain the system of Royalty in medieval times.

  • Play some traditional Medieval games such as:

  • Bocce ball -- played with croquet balls.

  • Sheep throw -- participants grab a stuffed sheep by the legs and try to throw him over their shoulders and through the goalposts.

  • Archery -- use rubber-tipped arrows or rubber-band and q-tips.

  • Lance throw -- use pool noodles.

  • Ball toss -- use plastic cups to catch balls.

  • Hold a “Medieval Day” with activities such as:

  • Make and eat some Medieval food

  • Games of skill and chance (probability)

  • Chess

  • Dice and card games

  • Petanque

  • Presentation of research to an audience

  • Role plays

  • Puppet plays

  • Diary writing: "A day in the life of …"

  • 20 questions: What Medieval figure am I?

  • Play Chess knights: Teach the students how the knight in chess moves and demonstrate on a chess board. On a giant grid, each student lines up along one edge and take turns, moving as a chess knight. The first one to get to a certain spot wins. Also, you may have each student attempt to take out the other persons by landing on their square. Materials: Giant grid, chessboard, chess pieces

  • As you read sections of Harry Potter, periodically stop to sketch a quick picture of what you've just read or what you think might happen next.

  • Compare medieval times to our times. Notice the good and bad of each time. Which time do you prefer to live in and why? Write your thoughts in your Journal.

  • Compare different types of residences. Make an attribute chart to compare the different qualities of the structures.

  • Organize a kingdom, using people that you know. Who would be part of the court? What positions would they hold?

  • Play sports that might have been played in a castle.

  • Design your dream castle. Draw the front of it and the floor plan. Write an explanation of the features that you include.

  • Write a story that’s set in a castle.

  • Play real estate and try to calculate the total value of Hogwarts.

  • Make up your own W.O.M.B.A.T. test on Wizarding:

  • What contributes to the consistent look of the Harry Potter series? Write about and illustrate the factors such as font, illustration, chapter headings, and jacket style.

  • Tell the story of your own “return with triumph” experience.

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