Magical Words
This week's class activities
1. Craft – Magic Box - Decorate magic boxes
2. Key Points – Types of Poems - Identify different types of poems
3. Collaborative – Collaborative Poem - Students work together to create a poem
4. Writing - Couplets - Students write couplets
5. Math/Logic – Magic Squares - Find the solution
6. Character Connection – Magic Words - Good words to use
7. Big Activity – Poetry Reading - Students each read or recite poems
8. Movement - Wingardium Leviosa - Relay race
Quests for at home
Make your own magic squares.
Write some poems of your own:
Make a poetry lapbook:
Compare poetry from five different countries. Can you make poems in the style of those countries?
Write a poem about your own life.
Write a poem that will help you memorize some science facts.
Write a poem that includes all four keys of poetry:
Rhyme-similarity of sounds at the end of words.
Rhythm-a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in the line of a poem.
Alliteration-repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. Example-Sally sells sea shells
Form-the way a poem looks
Make a poetry ABC book.
Make up a set of couplet spells.
How many syllables are there in your name and in the names of each of your family member?
Write three different types of poems.
“Translate” one of Shakespeare's sonnets into modern language.
Read poems by two different poets. Compare their two styles. Which do you like better? Write about it in your wizard journal.
Hold a family poetry slam.
Make a concrete poem: