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At-Home Activities: Polar Quest - Lost Cities

December 7-11

*** Register now for the Dogsled Adventure, if you haven't already.***

Workshop Class Activities

  1. Craft – Gingerbread Family

  2. Key Points – The Story of Endurance

  3. Collaborative – Design Santa’s Village

  4. Language Arts – Write Letters to Santa

  5. Math/Logic – Time Zones Math

  6. Prepare for Adventure – Disaster Preparedness

  7. Big Activity – Holiday for a Hero

  8. Movement – Polar Ice Caps Game

At-Home Activities

See a suggested week schedule at


• various fiction and non-fiction books that relate to Poles

• notebook or line paper

• a deck of cards

• ingredients for a recipe

• cardboard

• materials for gift-making


  • Various fiction and non-fiction books that relate to Poles



  • Twas the night before Christmas, when all thro’ the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;

  • “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

Language arts lesson

  • Similes and metaphors are used to make comparisons. They’re like hidden treasures in writing. For example, “Life is like a box of chocolates.” or, “Love is a battlefield.” Here’s more about similes and metaphors:

Writing Activity

  • Listen to song and write down all the similes and metaphors you hear:


  • My favorite holiday is… because...


Math Concept

  • When shopping for the holidays, it’s important to decide on a set amount of money you will spend, and then don’t spend more than the plan.

Math Project

  • Pretend you have $100 to spend on gifts for your friends and family. Shop online for the gifts that you would give them. Write down the gifts you would buy and how much they cost. Make sure you don’t go over $100!

Math Concept

  • Cooking provides a great opportunity to work with fractions, especially when you have the opportunity to double and half a recipe.

Math Project

  • do home holiday “baking.” Here are a couple no-bake recipes to get you started:

Mental math

  • Play a type of memory game. Use a deck of cards with the face cards removed. Spread the cards out face down, in rows. The first player will turn over 3 cards. If the player can create an accurate number sentence with the numbers on the three cards, the player can keep the cards. For example, with 2, 3, and 6 a player could make, 2 x 3 = 6. Number sentences can be addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. If a number sentence can’t be made the cards are turned face down again. Play continues until no cards remain or until a number sentence can’t be made with the remaining cards. The winner is the player with the most cards.

Math games

  • Play an “I Spy” game. Remove the face cards from a deck of cards and lay the remaining cards out, face up in an 8 x 5 array. The first player challenges the other one to find two cards next to each other that add to make a particular number. The first player says, “I spy with my little eye two cards that add to make ______.” The second player then looks for 2 cards that add to make the number. The two cards to be added need to be next to each other either horizontally or vertically. The player then picks the cards up to add them to their pile. They can do this with any other pairs that add to make the number as well. If the second player misses any pairs that add to the number, then player one may claim them. The players alternate taking turns and continue until all the cards are gone. The winner is the player with the most cards at the end of the game.

  • To alter the difficulty, You can choose to add three numbers together or you cand change the operation that you use, for example, multiplication or subtraction.


Research and Report

  • What are the challenges of living in Antarctica? Some of the world’s most talented architects have designed structures to meet these challenges. Find out more about the architectural challenges in the Antarctica and the solutions architects have come up with to meet the challenges. Draw or use cardboard to make your own Antarctic buildings. Label your building to describe why designed it this way.

Themed Fireworks Project

  • Make some gifts for family and friends:

6-week project

  • Practice your oral report. There are various ways to present an oral report. You could:

• Give your oral report from memory. You can use the outline you created in week 3 to remind you what to say.

• Read your written report.

• Show and describe your display.

• Demonstrate how to do something (i.e., make slime, play a sport, etc.).

  • Create an event around your presentation. Invite family and maybe even prepare some refreshments.

  • Give your oral report, show your display, and share your written report. Celebrate your accomplishment!

Other Ideas

  • Make a gingerbread base camp.

  • Do some educational activities at Santa's Village:

  • Play a Christmas Lights Math game:

  • Do some holiday math activities:

  • Find out about Santa math:

  • What type of research is done in Antarctica? What would you study if you were a scientist in the Antarctica?

  • How do people eat in Antarctica? Make a local Antarctica favorite dish.

  • Do some Polar Express Math:

  • Imagine you are able to go on a magical journey like the boy in Polar Express. Where do you go? How do you get there? How are you changed by the experience? Write about it.

  • Read Polar Express. As you do, notice similes such as "hot cocoa as thick and rich as melted chocolate bars" and "rolling over peaks and through valleys like a car on a roller coaster." Write some of your own similes following a format like “__________ was as __________ as __________” or “___________ was ___________ like ___________.” Can you make similes about these things: sticky chicken, thirsty, pretty cat, fast bird, boring joke, comfortable?

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