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At-Home Activities: Across the Oceans - Find New Creatures

March 8-12

Workshop Class Activities:

  1. Craft – Make Shell Creatures

  2. Key Points – To Catch a Fish Game

  3. Collaborative – Build a Fish

  4. Language Arts – Sea Creature Concrete Poem

  5. Math/Logic – Tempting Tentacles Math Problems

  6. Prepare for Adventure - Avoiding Scurvy

  7. Big Activity – Dissect Squid

  8. Movement - Clownfish Game

At-Home Activities

See a suggested week schedule at


  • various fiction and non-fiction books that relate to oceans such as: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne Full text: Stepping Stone book: The Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor by Joanna Cole

  • journal or lined paper

  • ruler, yard stick, or tape measure

  • dollar and coins, as mentioned in this poem:

  • deck of cards

  • paper for drawing a world map on

  • seashells


Various fiction and non-fiction books that relate to oceans



“What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark? It would be like sleep without dreams.”

― Werner Herzog

“There's nothing wrong with enjoying looking at the surface of the ocean itself, except that when you finally see what goes on underwater,you realize that you've been missing the whole point of the ocean. Staying on the surface all the time is like going to the circus and staring at the outside of the tent.”

― Dave Barry

Language arts lesson

A contraction is a word formed by putting together two words with certain letters left out. An apostrophe is used in place of the missing letters. Here are a couple videos about contractions:



Writing Activity

Take a look at the creepy deep-sea creatures on this Website:

Be sure to look at all three pages. Imagine these creatures could talk. Choose two of the creatures and write a conversation that they would have. Try to use five contractions.


Pretend you got to explore the deep ocean. Write a log entry with illustrations about what you saw on your expedition.


Math Concept

We can use a ruler, yard stick, or tape measure to measure inches and feet.

Math Project

How large is a whale? Choose three different species of whale and find out how long each of them are. To compare their sizes, go to an open area. Measure out the length of the three whales. How do their sizes compare?

Math Concept

It is important to understand the values of the different coins.

Math Project

Read the poem “Smart” by Shel Silverstein:

Use real money to show what the child in the poem did. Write down the value of the money at the end of each verse. You may also want to figure out the difference between the values that were exchanged in each verse.

Mental math

Practice multiplication mental math. Go here for some multiplication math tricks:

Math games

Play Triple Digit Dare: Use a standard deck of playing cards with the 10s, Jacks, Queens, and Kings removed. Aces count as 1. Deal each player 3 cards. Players use the cards to create the largest 3-digit number possible. Players show their cards, and the player with the greatest 3-digit number takes all the cards. Play continues with 3 more cards for each player. You could easily vary this game to use 2-digit, 4-digit, or even larger numbers. For more difficult (and fun) versions of this game, see


Research and Report

Find out about whale migrations. Why do whales migrate? Where do they go? Make a world map the shows the migrations of Gray whales, North Atlantic right whales, Humpback whales, and Blue whales. Include information on how long their migrations are and in what months they migrate.

Themed Fireworks Project

Start a shell collection. Label each shell.

6-week project

  1. Use the information you collected last week to start working on your written report. You may want to create a mind map to organize your findings. Put the report topic in the center of your paper, with related information branching out from there.

  2. Using the mind map as a guide, make an outline. Put the information into an order that would make sense for a written report.

  3. Work on your display.


Go fishing or seashell hunting.

Other Ideas

  • With a friend, prepare and perform a fictitious interview with Jaques Cousteau.

  • Make a graph that shows an estimation of how many whales pass our shores in what months.

  • Teach someone about the different kinds of whales.

  • Imagine that whales’ sounds are actual singing. “Translate” their sounds and write the lyrics of their “songs.”

  • Make a poster of a whale. Label the parts of the whale. Using a song or mnemonics, memorize the parts of the whale.

  • Classify the different types of mammals in the ocean. What are the main types? Which animals fall into which categories?

  • With a friend, act out one of the scenes from Nemo.

  • Make a big book about giant squid.

  • Define what a reef is and what a tide pool is. Draw these in your journal.

  • What is the difference between a turtle and a tortoise? Draw a scene for each creature.

  • Make some ocean-inspired crafts:

  • Make an ocean scene diorama in a shoe box.

  • Make a life-size model of a pygmy sperm whale or a scale model of another whale.

  • Choose a sea creature. Play 21 questions with someone. Can they guess what sea creature you're thinking of?

  • Play Fish for Tens. In this version of the classic Go Fish game, you’re fishing for pairs that add up to 10. Ask: “I have a 2. Do you have an 8 to make 10?” Aces are 1 for this game and leave face cards out entirely.

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