Fireworks and Activities for Philanthropy
November 26 - 30

Workshop Activities
1. Craft – Decorative Candles
2. Key Points - Philanthropists
3. Collaborative – Assist Animals
4. Writing – Point of View
5. Math/Logic - Forfeits
6. Genius Principle – Help the Poor
7. Big Activity – Project Linus
8. Movement - Two-Man Carry Relay
Minecraft Activities
Inventions to help handicapped people
Build housing for homeless
Plant trees & recycle
Build challenge: Invent something to help others
Upcoming Events
Weekly teen hangouts in Santa Ana:
Disneyland meetup: December 5 - Holidays
Field trips – Note: some trips have limited space – register now!!
11/28 Prosthetics Tour in Temecula
12/12 Christmas Tree Farm in Redlands
10/24 Celebration: Christmas With the Scrooge:
Read through the fireworks and choose about five that you think might interest your child. Allow him or her to select 1-3 of them.
Join a service project in your area:
Secretly do someone else's household chore.
Smile at three random people today.
Make a plate of treats and secretly place it on a neighbor's porch. Ring the doorbell and run away!
Write letters to your teachers and secretly leave it for them.
Prepare a meal for your family.
Read to a younger sibling.
Go an entire day without complaining – can you do it?
Charles Dickens was a philanthropist. What did he do to help others? Write about it.
Play some dice games:
Three or More:
Ten Down:
Stuck in the Mud:
Run for It:
Going to Boston:
Beat That:
Write and send letters to soldiers:
Learn about the ten wealthiest people in the world. How much do they donate to charities? What percentage of their money do they donate?
Design a prosthetic leg or hand.
Make cards for a nursing home.
Surprise Cards - Make cards and drawings with happy messages. Use card stock or index cards. Embellish with stickers, markers, etc. Place the cards in places that will bring some cheer to others: on windshields of places that often have people in need of a little cheer, in a magazine in a doctor’s office, etc.
Make dipped candles: