Childhood of a Genius

1. Craft – Genius Me
2. Key Points – Qualities of a Genius
3. Collaborative – All Things Are Connected
4. Writing – Genius Project
5. Math/Logic – Math Hopscotch
6. Genius Principle – Getting to Know You
7. Big Activity – Quest for Questions
8. Movement - Things In Common
Disneyland Meetup
1. Walt and Leonardo
2. Other Disneyland geniuses
3. Discovering your own genius
4. Finding Italy in "it's a small world"
1. Leonardo was a Polymath and so are you
2. Other geniuses
3. Multiple intelligences challenges
4. Build challenge: Make pixel art about Leonardo
Choose a yearlong genius project and start collecting information for it.
Make a Family Tree for Leonardo.
Describe what made Leonardo’s Mother unsuitable to marry his Father.
Make a scrapbook of Leonardo’s childhood.
Design a bumper sticker that Leonardo’s parents might have used to brag about their son.
Cut out pictures from newspapers and old magazines that represent things you like. Organize them, putting similar things together and use them to make a poster-sized mind-map about yourself.
Make a “living” mind-map. Each person represents a concept, then work together to make groupings.
Make a Renaissance Italian Village (can be used for key point presentation on Italy next week)
Explore a local field and fill a notebook page with what catches your eye.
Spend a day as you believe Leonardo would have during his childhood.
Leonardo had a special Uncle in his life. Describe someone special in your life.
Write a story about your life as a child during the Renaissance.
Review this list of famous people who got their educations outside of traditional classrooms: Abigail Adams, James Buchanan, Alexander Graham Bell, Leonardo da Vinci, Pearl Buck, George Washington Carver, George Washington, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Florence Nightingale, Orville & Wilbur Wright, Hans Christian Anderson, Millard Fillmore, Winston Churchill, James Madison, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Laura Ingalls Wilder, John Quincy Adams, Pierre Curie, Booker T. Washington, Phyllis Wheatley, Serena & Venus Williams, Louisa May Alcott, Susan B. Anthony, Andrew Carnegie, Charles Chaplin, Samuel Clemens, Charles Dickens, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry, C.S. Lewis, Claude Monet, Beatrix Potter, Theodore Roosevelt, Martha Washington. Choose ten of these people. Organize them into alphabetical order. For an extra challenge, see if you can alphabetize the entire list! Choose two or three of these famous people and find out what they did for school when they were your age. Consider how this might have contributed to their genius.
Describe how curiosity helped Leonardo in his life.
Make a diagram that shows how curiosity leads to learning.
Make a model of the city of Vinci.
Elaborate on your Genius topic in your notebook.
Make a list of your ideal hobbies. Choose two to compare and contrast according to the following questions:
How will you benefit from this activity?
What will you accomplish with this?
What resources do you need?
Where can you find a good mentor?
How much time will you devote to it?
What obstacles must be overcome?
How can you get paid for pursuing this hobby? Make a chart or mind map with your answers. Will you start this hobby? (Repeat this one at the end of the year – to do the hobby over the summer.)
Write a poem about curiosity.
Ask 5 questions that you do not know the answer to. Answer those 5 questions.