Fireworks for Ancient Greece

September 10-14
Workshop Activities
1. Craft – Greek Vase
2. Key Points – Greek Artifacts
3. Collaborative – Cracked Pot
4. Writing – Epic Poem
5. Math/Logic - Triangles
6. Genius Principle – Nine Heads are Better than One
7. Big Activity – Greek Festival
8. Movement - Olympics
Minecraft Activities
Introduction to the hero's journey
Experience the hero's journey
Fight in the Trojan War
Participate in Olympics
Build Challenge: Make the Parthenon or other ancient Greek structure
Upcoming Activities
Weekly teen hangouts in Santa Ana
Disneyland meetup: September 19
Field trips
9/12 Getty Villa
9/26 SS Lane Victory Ship
10/10 Science of Sailing
10/31 Calico Ghost Town
Read through the fireworks and choose about five that you think might interest your child. Allow him or her to select 1-3 of them.
Do an ancient Greece crossword puzzle:
Make a Trojan Horse.
Make your own Greek design one of the following: a vase, a shield for a hero, or a robe for a goddess.
Find photographs of the famous buildings of ancient Greece (Parthenon, Knossos, Delphi, etc.). Prepare a short report about one or two of them.
Visit an art museum. See the sculpture, pottery, jewelry and coins of ancient Greece. Record the myths that inspired them. Draw sketches of some of your favorite items.
Make a newspaper about a day in ancient Greece. Include sections for wars, politics, sports, entertainment, and gossip.
Explore ancient Greek pottery:
Compare the modern Olympic games to the ancient ones.
Memorize the Greek alphabet.
Read about some of the philosophies that came from ancient Greece.
Do some Time warp trio activities:
Create a panel mural depicting one of your favorite myths.
Play an online Olympics game:
Visit ancient Greeks on PBS:
Take an ancient Greece quiz:
Play some games that relate to ancient Greece:
Make up a story that describes the pictures on a Greek pot.
Odysseus had 1000 Greek Warriors with him. Count 1000 beans. What's the easiest way to do this?
Start a timeline of events for the story of Odysseys. Add to it as you read the Odyssey.
Make an ancient Greece costume.
Create a scene of one of the places described in the Odyssey.
Go on an online Greek adventure:
More Ancient Greece resources:
Practice some ancient greek vocabulary: