At-Home Activities: Training for Adventure
January 4-8

Workshop Class Activities
Craft – Make a Book Cover
Key Points – Steps to Success in Exploring
Collaborative – Quadrat Sampling
Language Arts – Foreign Languages
Math/Logic – Library Activity - finding books in a library
Prepare for Adventure – Adventure Stories
Big Activity – Map Making
Movement - Presidential Youth Fitness Program
At-Home Activities
See a suggested week schedule at
• various fiction and non-fiction books that relate to deserts
• notebook or lined paper
• money: 10 dollars, dimes, and pennies (You can include other denominations if you want a harder challenge)
• blank checks (included)
• deck of cards
• for quadrat: ruler or measuring tape, skewers or stakes, string or yarn
Various fiction and non-fiction books that relate to deserts, such as:
• Holes
• The Magic School Bus Gets All Dried Up
• Dingoes at Dinnertime
“Life is a blank canvas, and you need to throw all the paint on it you can.” – Danny Kaye
“Do not stop thinking of life as an adventure. You have no security unless you can live bravely, excitingly, imaginatively, unless you can choose a challenge instead of a competence.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Language arts lesson
Books reports generally include: • the title of the book • the name of the author • a summary of the story • Whether you liked the book or not and why See more about book reports:
Writing Activity
Write a book report about a book you’ve read.
When I go to the library I like to...
Math Concept
Money can help us understand decimals. Watch this video:
Use real money to show these values:

Math Project
Put a variety of coins in a bowl. Without looking in the bowl, grab a random five coins. Count the total value of the coins and write down the amount. Repeat this a few more times, perhaps grabbing even more coins.
Math Concept
When writing a check, it is necessary to write numbers in words. Here are two reference guides on how to write numbers in words: • •
Math Project
Think about three items you would like to buy. How much do they cost? Pretend you are going to buy these things with checks. Fill out three fictitious checks for your items.
Mental math
Play Close Call. Remove the jacks, queens, and kings from a deck of cards. Aces equal 1 and the Jokers equal 0. Deal six cards to each player. Players then select 4 of the cards to create two 2-digit numbers. The object is to create two numbers that when added together come as close to 100 as possible, without going over. For example, if you get 6, 3, 7, 0, 6, and 1, you might choose 6, 3, 7, and 1 to make the numbers 67 and 31, which add up to 98. The person that gets closest to 100 without going over gets one point. Play for ten rounds. The person with the most points wins. Variations to the Game:
To further aid with addition practice, you could also add the total from each round to calculate the total points. Then the player with the highest score wins.
To practice subtraction instead, change the rules to subtract 2 numbers to get as close to zero as possible.
To make the game easier, deal 4 cards to each player, who will select 2 cards to get as close to ten as possible, without going over.
For a greater challenge, make black cards positive and red cards negative. You combine numbers to get as close to zero as possible.
Math games
Use a deck of cards to play Golf:
Research and Report
Find out what each of these explorers are famous for. What places did they explore? What type of vehicle did they use? James Cameron, Ed Stafford, Jessica Watson, Amelia Earhart, Richard Branson, David de Rothschild, Neil Armstrong, and Edmund Hillary
Which of these explorers is your favorite? Write an acrostic poem about the explorer you chose:
Themed Fireworks Project
Mark off a 3’x3’ quadrat outside: . In a notebook, write down the biological (living things, such as insects and plants), geological (rocks and minerals), and archaeological (things left by humans) things that you find in your quadrat.
6-week project
This week you can start working on a bigger project that will take six weeks to complete. By the end of the project you will have: • A written report • An oral report • Some kind of a display
Choose a topic for your project. We’re studying deserts for the next few weeks, so choose a biological (living things, such as people, animals, and plants), geological (land formations, rocks and minerals), or archaeological (things made by people) thing that can be found in a desert. It’s a good idea to be fairly specific. For example, choose a specific animal – not all of them.
Choose your display. A report display can be much more than a tri-fold board. You can make a garden, a stuffed animal, or even a Lego structure.
Go here to get more ideas on how to do a 6-week report:
Go to the library. Look up books on exploring or your favorite subjects. Can you find their locations on the shelves?
Other Ideas
Sew a button on a sock to make a puppet.
Play a Dewey Decimal game:
Exercise with the Chicken Fat Song:
Play a team sport.
Hide a small treasure and make a treasure map to it. Give your map to a family member or a friend. Can they find the treasure?
Play the driving game. When driving with a parent, you tell them when to turn left or right. Try to get lost. Once you no longer know where you are, start to guide your parents home again. Try to use the ordinate directions and use landmarks for clues.
Draw a map that shows how to get from your home to the library.
Practice a foreign language:
Go to to find out more about:
• field trips
• in-person classes
• online classes
• at-home materials