Activities and Fireworks for Revolutions
Topic: Revolutions

April 22-26
Star Wars: A New Hope The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy – Chapters 4-6
Workshop Activities
1. Craft – Secret Spy Messages: Invisible Ink
2. Key Points - Revolutions
3. Collaborative – Declaration of Independence Grievances
4. Writing – Editing History – Spelling and Capitalization
5. Math/Logic – Number Words
6. Genius Principle – Stand up for Freedom
7. Big Activity – Revolutionary Food
8. Movement - Quoits
Minecraft Activities
Rebel Alliance vs Galactic Empire
America's Revolutionary War
Follow Paul Revere
Battles of Concord and Lexington
Battle of bunker hill
Build challenge: Build a rebel base
Upcoming Events
Weekly teen hangouts in Santa Ana
Disneyland meetup: April 24 – Star Wars
Field trips – Trips are currently being scheduled! New trips posted here:
May 24 Celebration: Laser Tag!
Read through the fireworks and choose about five that you think might interest your child. Allow him or her to select 1-3 of them.
Play an online civics games:
Watch Schoolhouse Rock American History videos:
Write a diary as if you were living at the time of the Revolutionary War. Begin your diary before the war and show how events shape your feelings and opinions.
Talk to people in your area who are upset by current taxation. What are they doing about it? What can they do?
Listen to a reading of the Declaration of Independence:
Explore the Revolutionary War with PBS:
Imagine how you would feel to feel if you were there when independence was declared. Write a journal entry about your feelings.
Write a newspaper article about the declaration of independence.
What would you like to declare independence from? Write your own declaration of independence.
Make a model of independence hall.
Watch Too Late To Apologize A Declaration With Lyrics:
How many of the Founding Fathers can you identify?
What taxes do you pay? List all the things that you buy or that someone buys for you in the next week. Record and total the taxes. Who gets the tax money?
Suppose that a news reporter has asked you what it means to be an American. Write your response to the question.
Read the Declaration of Independence. Highlight any words you do not know the meaning of. Use these words to make a Declaration of Independence Glossary. Create a word search, crossword puzzle, or quiz using some of the words from the Declaration of Independence.
Read the Declaration of Independence. Notice that the spelling and grammar differs from the accepted writing today. Edit the Declaration of Independence to match today's grammar and spelling rules.
Make a list of grievances and complaints you have.