Activities and Fireworks for England
November 5-9
Workshop Activities
1. Craft – Heraldry Banners
2. Key Points - England
3. Collaborative – Historic Buildings (Stonehenge and Castles)
4. Writing – English English
5. Math/Logic – Clock Chimes
6. Genius Principle – Time Travel
7. Big Activity – Black Death
8. Movement - Blind-man's Bluff
Minecraft Activities
Visit the Ghost of Christmas Past
Quick builds of London landmarks
Medieval banners
England quiz game
Build challenge: Castle parts
Upcoming Events
Weekly teen hangouts in Santa Ana:
Disneyland meetup: November 5 - Illusions
Field trips – Note: some trips have limited space – register now!!
11/14 Solar Tour and Demo
11/28 Prosthetics Tour
10/24 Celebration: Christmas With the Scrooge:
Read through the fireworks and choose about five that you think might interest your child. Allow him or her to select 1-3 of them.
Play forfeits:
Experience some festivals, food, feasts, fairs & marketplaces from historic and modern England.
Experience some music from England. Perhaps learn a song on the recorder.
Act out a scene from the Arthurian legends.
Use these scripts to act out Black Death situations:
Make an edible map of England using brownies, Jell-o, cake, cookies, or mashed potatoes, etc.
Map the spread of the bubonic plague from Central Asia to China, the Middle East, and Europe and describe its impact on global population.
Make a model of a castle:
Make a gingerbread castle:
Make a display that shows the different types of London transportation:
London Underground
double-decker buses
Boat rides on the Thames
London Eye
What did the Ghost of Christmas Past look like? Draw it.
Make a holiday mosaic from found materials.
Practice some probablility math:
Identify the United Kingdom capitals:
Do some brass rubbing.
Make a catapult.
Page 29 mentions “forty children conducting themselves like one.” This refers to a poem by William Wadsworth called Written in March. All school children in 1843 would have been familiar with Wordsworth’s poems. English school children even today memorize Wordsworth’s poems. Memorize a poem to share.
Do some online jousting:
Make and use salt dough create a monument for England. You may make a miniature Stonehenge design your own burial grounds monument.
Use what you know about levers, wheels, and pulleys to make a gadget that can lift a brick and move it one foot or more. Draw a diagram that shows how it works.
Make a sundial.
Make banners and shields with your own crest on it.
Make and use wax seal stamps.
Do some weaving.
Practice some calligraphy.
Make an illuminated manuscript.
Do a stained glass craft.
Make British Icons from paper - bus, big ben, globe theater, or London taxi:
Perform an interpretive dance that will summarize the history of England.
Compare medieval times to our times. Notice the good and bad of each time. Which time do you prefer to live in and why? Write your thoughts in your Journal.
Make some medieval costumes.
Make a pizza biography about an important English person:
Organize a kingdom, using people that you know. Who would be part of the court? What positions would they hold?