Anatomy Activities and Fireworks
Workshop Activities
1. Craft - Braiding
2. Key Points – Human Anatomy by Leonardo

3. Collaborative – Frog Dissecting
4. Writing – Quotation Marks
5. Math/Logic – Human Proportions
6. Genius Principle – Be Healthy
7. Big Activity – Healthy Eating
8. Movement - Chicken Fat
Minecraft Class
Label bones
Play Operation
Experience and discussion on drug abuse
Build challenge: anatomy of a Minecraft mob
Upcoming Activities
Call to Adventure – Livestream every Tuesday morning at 6:45 AM on Celebration Education Families Facebook page:
Field Trips
Body Worlds exhibit and IMAX movie at California Science Center 1/17
Space Walk – 1/31 Fountain Valley
Colonial Farm Life at Colonial Chesterfield at Riley's Farm 1/31
Weekly Teen Hang Outs – Wednesdays in Santa Ana, 2-8
Read through the fireworks and choose five that you think might interest your child. Allow him or her to select 1-3 of them.
Make a graph to show the body weight for adult males and females. Use a different color for each.
Medical Fact or Fiction: Leonardo’s sketches of anatomy are so accurate, they are still used today. However, over the years, there has been many myths about anatomy. Are the medical statements below true (T) or false (F)?
1. _____ Feed a cold, starve a fever.
2. _____ Wait an hour after eating to go swimming.
3. _____ Coffee stunts your growth.
4. _____ Fish is brain food.
5. _____ Chocolate causes acne.
6. _____ Spicy foods cause ulcers.
7. _____ Eating carrots will improve eyesight.
8. _____ If you go outside with wet hair, you will catch a cold.
9. _____ Reading in dim light will damage your eyes.
10. _____ Too much TV is bad for your eyes.
11. _____ If you cross your eyes, they will stay that way.
12. _____ Thumb-sucking causes buck teeth.
13. _____ Cracking knuckles causes arthritis.
14. _____ Too much loud noise can cause hearing loss.
Answers can be found here:
Make a timeline that shows the chronology of medical practices.
Leonardo sketched and painted many figures of living things. Visit the websites below to create your own unique people, animals and creatures.
Observe a butterfly. Notice if the wings are symmetrical.
Another aspect of divine proportion is phi. Phi=1.6180339887.... In theory, nature follows the rule of divine proportion. Using the rule of phi, the length of one’s forearm should be proportioned to one’s lower leg (knee to ankle). Measure your arm and leg to see if this is true.
Measure your body:!-lesson-plan/
Make a model of yourself:'s-me-lesson-plan/
Compare your body systems to items or industries, i.e. your brain is a computer chip, etc.
Use one of the following phrases or group of words based on anatomy to write a creative story.
1. five fingers were spread apart
2. beating heart, rapid breathing
3. the nervous system drawn on an old piece of paper
4. all the bones in his/her spine
7. brain waves of a brave man
8. appendicitis on a rainy day
10. stomach twisted by poison
Read fiction and non-fiction about the human body.
Dissect a frog or other small animal.
Try the demos at
It is important to take good care of your body so that your body will take good care of you. How can you take good care of your body? Do you need to exercise more or eat better? What can you improve on?
Blow up balloons to demonstrate how air going into the balloon is similar to air going into our lungs.
Take pulse at resting rate. Do cardiovascular exercise (run, jump rope, cycle) for at least 20 minutes. Take pulse again. Notice how your circulatory system kicks into overdrive (heart pumping, pulse thudding in your ears, chest heaving for air).
Eat a snack. Consider how you chew up your food in order to swallow. Does your mouth water? This is to help break down the food for digestion.
Have you ever “pinched yourself to see if you were dreaming”? This is because we know that if we can “feel” the pain of a pinch, we must not be dreaming. Give yourself a light pinch. Consider how your nerves receive this information and pass it on to your brain. The brain then tells you to say “OUCH!”
Debate with someone about which is more important: mental strength or physical strength.
Make up a song to memorize the body systems or the bones in the skeleton.
Play math games.
Take a gymnastics class.
Pretend you got to attend while Leonardo dissected a human body. He asked you to take notes of his observations. What do the notes say?
Work on your genius project.
If you eat a lot of food at once and you feel very full, does your tummy stick out? This is because your stomach has not had time to break down all the food and has expanded. (a good experiment for Thanksgiving, no?)
Make up your own anatomy song based on "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes."
Human Proportions, according to Leonardo:
Span of outstretched arms = person’s height
Face is divided in thirds – chin to nostrils, nostrils to eyebrows, eyebrows to hairline.
Distance ear to ear = eyebrows to chin
Length of ear = length of nose
Forearm to elbow = ¼ body height
Foot = ½ heel to knee
Elbow to wrist = ½ thighbone
Does your body match Leonardo’s observations on human proportions? Measure yourself to see. Make some sketches of the "perfect human body" according to Leonardo.
With your parents’ help, determine how you might stay healthy during the flu and cold season. What are ways to protect yourself and strengthen your immune system? For instance, getting proper nutrition and rest, washing hands frequently, etc…
Observe animals and insects. How do their bodies differ from ours? How are they the same?
Write a story about how the body systems get along in their “community”.
Tickle family members or have them tickle you. Are your nerves sensitive to this?
Write a song or poem about how your heart “feels.”
Take a deep breath and see how long you can hold it. If you practice, does the time increase?
Do brain teasers.
Choose a system of the human body and sketch it.
Flex your biceps and measure the circumference. Do 10 pushups, and then measure again. Did the measurement change?
Make a puzzle of the insides of a body for a younger child to assemble. May be only a body system.
The anatomy drawings that Leonardo drew were the first ever cross-sections of the insides of persons. Try drawing some yourself.