This week's Activities and Fireworks

In classes this week
Workshop Activities
1. Craft – House of Cards
2. Key Points – Who Dunnit? - Identify the inventors of several everyday products
3. Collaborative – Inventor's Times – timeline of inventions
4. Writing – What Bugs You? - Brainstorming for inventing
5. Math/Logic – Inventing Numbers – History of numbers
6. Genius Principle – My Invention – Invention proposal
7. Big Activity – Experiment With M's – estimating, experimenting, graphing results
8. Movement - Play Frisbee
Disneyland Meetup - Wednesday
Types of bridges
What is an Imagineer?
What do Imagineers do?
How can I “Imagineer?”
Minecraft Class - Friday
Best invention ever mini-builds
Inventing laboratories
Egg-drop challenge
Build challenge: Rube Goldberg machine
Upcoming Activities
Call to Adventure – Livestreams Tuesday mornings at 6:45 AM on Celebration Education Families Facebook page:
Upcoming parent workshop in Santa Ana
Using real books -- not textbooks, flashcards and worksheets -- to learn to read 1/10
Weekly Teen Hang Out in Santa Ana 1/10
Monthly Community Game Night in Santa Ana 1/10
Monthly Community Game Night in Yucaipa 1/12
Field Trips
BODY WORLDS and IMAX at California Science Center 1/17
Space Walk – walking a scale model of the solar system in Fountain Valley 1/31
Colonial Farm Life at Colonial Chesterfield at Riley's Farm 1/31
Read through the fireworks and choose five that you think might interest your child. Allow him or her to select 1-3 of them.
Invent and design something that can help fill a need.
Imagine you were to invent a new musical instrument. What would it sound like? What type of music would it play?
Play some math games.
After ordering lunch at a fast food restaurant, have each family member estimate the total
bill. Whoever comes closest gets an extra order of fries (or a fruit cup!).
Choose an inventor to learn more about. Make a collage or other display to show the things that inventor studied, discovered, and invented.
Choose an invention. Make a time line to show the history of that invention.
Make a scrapbook of an inventor’s life.
You are an inventor about to receive an award for one of your great inventions. Write your acceptance speech.
Read biographies of inventors.
Visit the patent office Web site.
Play 20 questions with names of inventors. Can other people guess what inventor you're thinking about by asking only 20 yes and no questions?
Invent a new kind of medicine. What will it be used for? Why do you think this medicine will be necessary?
Consider what you want to be when you grow up. Can you think of something that can be invented that will improve that industry?
Invent a new species of animal. Be sure to be descriptive! Draw picture of this animal and write a short description of how it lives its life.
Invent rules for a new sport or adapt the rules of a current sport. Organize a group to play your new game.
With your parent’s help, “invent” a recipe and cook or bake it. Serve it at dinner for your family.
Work on your genius project.
Learn more about Leonardo's inventions:
Watch the movie Robots.
Create something to share at the Invention Convention.
Read books (fiction or non-fiction) about inventors and inventions.
Who is your favorite inventor? Why do you choose that person? Write about it in your notebook.
Theorize: Why did it take so long for people to start inventing modern conveniences? Write your thoughts in your notebook.
Hold a science fair.