Minecraft Classes
Exciting Online Learning Experiences
Educational AND fun!!!
Students come online for weekly moderator-led activities and collaborative assignments on Minecraft from the comfort of their own home.
Students may come on the private server on their own time to work on independent projects, to play survival, to work on a creative world, or just to hang out!
COST: only $54 for each 6-week component
This program has been discontinued for now.

These classes can be used as "being there" experiences in the Journey Program.
Travel the world in Minecraft!
Thursdays, 10am Pacific Time

These classes can go with:
Basic information:
Privacy - A server just for our class.
Ease - Custom server-side mods and skins. No additional downloads necessary!
Safety - Servers have protections to reduce griefing.
24/7 access to the servers.
Weekly Minecraft events - this is so exciting! - students meet with a moderator online for 45 minutes each week to participate in topic-related, collaborative activities and challenges. They also have opportunities to show off their understanding of the topics. These events are lead by Celebration Education admins.
A survival world - monster free!
A creative world - express yourself with unlimited blocks!
Each student must have their own Minecraft account for the PC or Mac. Versions on tablets, game systems and phones are not compatible. "Windows 10 Edition" also does not work.
Download and set up Discord. This is a voice chat program that all students are required to use during the events.
Students should have basic knowledge of how to play the Minecraft PC/Mac version. If your children know how to make a house, a bed, and iron tools, they're ready!
JUNIOR ADMIN PROGRAM: Teens / Students ages 11 & up who have taken at least one component with us may be considered for our Jr. Admin program. Contact Riley for more details: Riley@CelebrationEducation.com