Raiders of the Renaissance Minds
Learn about Renaissance men and women throughout history
Celebration Education did this theme in 2008-2009.
Patterned after the Indiana Jones adventures, we explore the Renaissance era, space, transportation, communication, and the arts.

Here is a possible outline for the year:
Component I:
Butcher, Baker and Candlestick Maker
Meeting at Guild Hall
Three Bags Full
Farmers and Bakers
Candlestick Maker - Edison
Component II: Scientists
Mind Over Matter
Medical Minds (Semmelweiss)
Component III: Travel
Venture Forth
Merchant of Venice - Shakespeare (the idea of trade)
Henry Ford (cars)
Columbus (boats)
Wright Brothers (airplanes)
Reach for the Stars (rockets/space travel)
Component IV: Communication
Echoes Through Time
Gutenberg and Martin Luther
Dits Dahs and Gaps (telegraph)
Can You Hear Me Now? (telephone)
Marconi (radio)
Two Heads are Better Than One (computer/Internet)
Component V: Arts
The Agony and The Ecstasy/Michelangelo
Brunelleschi (architecture)
Palestrina (music)
Image-ination (movies)
Image-ination (TV)
Walt Disney