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At-Home Activities: Conquering Mountains - Finding New Creatures

May 3-7

Workshop Class Activities

  1. Craft – Animal Ears

  2. Key Points – Four Forest Types

  3. Collaborative – Owl Pellets

  4. Language Arts - Alliteration

  5. Math/Logic – Tree Diameter

  6. Prepare for Adventure - Germination

  7. Big Activity - Birding

  8. Movement – Bengal Tigers

At-Home Activities

See a suggested week schedule at


• a journal

• paper and pencil

• colored pencils or crayons

• a compass or various circular objects to trace

• string

• ruler


  • Backpack Explorer: Bird Watch: What Will You Find? Storey Publishing ages 4-9

  • Will You Survive? Follow the adventure and learn real-life survival skills along the way! by Paul Beck - ages 8 and up

  • Various fiction and non-fiction books that relate to animals and nature.



Copy the following quotes and write what you think they mean:

“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” - Vincent Van Gogh

“Nature is the greatest place to heal and recharge.”

Copy the following poem in your best handwriting.

The Squirrel

Whisky, Frisky,

Hippity hop.

Up he goes

To the tree top!

Whirly, twirly,

Round and round.

Down he scampers

To the ground.

Furly, Curly,

What a tail!

Tall as a feather,

Broad as a snail

Where’s his supper?

In the shell,

Snap, cracky,

Out it fell.

Language arts lesson

Alliteration happens when words that start with the same sound (not just the same letter) are used often in a sentence. Here is an example of alliteration using words that begin with the “b” sound: The boy buzzed around as busy as a bee.

Alliteration is used in writing because it sounds pleasing to the reader by creating a fun rhythm. It also focuses the reader’s attention on the text.

This literary device is often used in poetry. One example is from the poem “The Caged Bird” by Maya Angelou:

The free bird thinks of another breeze

And the trade winds soft through the sighing trees

The “b” sound is repeated in the first line, while the “t” and “s” sounds are repeated in the second line.

Tongue twisters are a silly form of alliteration. These are sentences and phrases that are not easy to say quickly. For example:

A black bug bit a big black bear.

Those lazy lizards are lying like lumps in the leaves.

Try saying these tongue twisters quickly without laughing!

Writing Activity

Create an Animal Alliteration Book. Use a journal for your book or make a book by binding paper together. You can either staple your pages or hole punch the left side of the paper and tie with ribbon or yarn. Use a different creature for each page and write a sentence about the creature using alliteration. Here is an example:

The beautiful blue butterfly bounced around the buttercups.

Then illustrate each page. The first page of the book should include a title and your name as the author. Try to create a title that is alliterative. Be sure to share your book with others. Alliteration is fun to read aloud.


My favorite place in nature is….

Find examples of alliteration in any book that you are reading and write them in your journal.

Write a sentence about yourself using alliteration. An example is: I crave cookies, cupcakes and candy.


Math Concept

Properties of a Circle: A circle is a round shaped figure that has no corners or edges. In geometry, a circle can be described as a two-dimensional curved shape. A circle is different from a square by its properties: one curved, continuous line that connects, no straight lines, corners or edges. How is a circle different from a triangle?

Math Project

Using blank white paper and a pencil, draw circles in various sizes all over the paper forming a design. They can all be separate or they can intersect. To draw the circles, you can either use a compass (tool to draw circles) or trace circular objects that are in your home. Once you have finished drawing, add color. You can outline the circles or fill them in, using your choice of colors. Now you have a colorful circular design.

Math Concept

Finding the Circumference of a Circle

Circumference is the distance around the outside of a circle. In order to find the circumference of a circle, you must first find the diameter. The diameter is the distance across the middle of the circle from one end to the other using a straight line. Measure the diameter and multiply that number by 3.14, called pi (pie). For example:

If the diameter of a circle is 5 inches, multiply 5 x 3.14 which equals 15.70 inches.

In this formula for circumference, C = Circumference and d = diameter.

C = d x 3.14

This video explains circumference: Circle and Circumference - Geometric Figures for Kids:

Math Project

Find three circular objects in your home and use these steps to find the circumference of each.

  1. Using string, measure around the object and cut where the pieces meet

  2. Take the string piece and form the same circle on a table

  3. Using another string, measure across the middle of the circle from end to end and cut this piece (your diameter)

  4. Using a ruler, measure the diameter piece and write down the number

  5. Multiply this number by 3.14 to find the circumference

Mental math

  • Memorize the formula for finding circumference.

  • Using words only, explain to someone what the diameter of a circle is.

Math games

  • Try for a variety of math games.

  • This game identifies the difference between open and closed shapes:


Research and Report

Research the kinds of birds that live in mountain regions. Choose four or five of them to research further. Take notes on each of the five birds and create a presentation that shows the similarities and differences between them.

Themed Fireworks Project

Create your own Nature Journal

Make entries in a journal while taking nature walks with your family, playing in your yard, or walking through the neighborhood. Observe any creatures such as insects or birds, and any plants that interest you. Write down your observations, draw what you see, and include any thoughts or questions you have. Don’t forget to include the date and time, because when you return to the same spot at another time, everything may look very different. You may be surprised at what you notice.

6-week project

• Using the outline or mind map you made last week, write the first draft of your written report.

• Work on your display.


Visit a zoo or nature center with your family.

Other Ideas

• While taking a nature walk with your family, observe the birds that you see.

• Read a book by Dr. Seuss and find examples of alliteration.

• During your next nature walk, see how many circular objects you can find.

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