At-Home Activities: Across Oceans - Special Equipment
March 1-5

Workshop Class Activities
Craft – Star Finder Origami
Key Points – Puzzle Me This
Collaborative – Maritime Signal Flags
Language Arts – Word Roots
Math/Logic – Timeline of Diving Logic Puzzle
Prepare for Adventure – Make Compasses
Big Activity – Submarine Science
Movement - Musical Islands
At-Home Activities
See a suggested week schedule at
various fiction and non-fiction books that relate to oceans
journal or lined paper
a pack of M&M’s or Skittles
a deck of playing cards
poster board
recycle bin materials
Various fiction and non-fiction books that relate to oceans
“Because there's nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it's sent away.”
― Sarah Kay
“Hark, now hear the sailors cry,
Smell the sea, and feel the sky,
Let your soul & spirit fly, into the mystic.”
― Van Morrison,
Language arts lesson
Many of the words in our language come from Greek and Latin. For example, the word bathysphere comes from the Greek words bathos meanig depth and sphaira meaning sphere. The work submarine comes from the Latin words sub meanig under and marine meaning sea.
The words bathysphere and submarine did not exist until after those vehicles were invented and the inventors used the Greek and Latin word roots to create the new names.
Writing Activity
Imagine some things that you would like to invent. What would you name your new inventions? Use Greek and Latin word roots to create the names of your new inventions. Here is an extensive list of word roots:
I would like to invent… It would help people because...
Math Concept
Estimating, counting, grouping, and charting are skills that mathematicians and scientists use.
Math Project
Use a pack of M&M’s or Skittles for this project. Before opening your pack, guess how many candies there are inside. You may also want to guess how many of each color is included. Open you pack and count all the candies. How close was your guess? Sorting the candies by their colors. How many of each color are there? Make a bar graph to compare the quantities of each color. You can make your own chart or use the one found here:
Go here for many more M&M’s math activities, including those for older students:
Math Concept
Rounding, estimating, and mental math are important skills for daily life.
Math Project
On your family’s next shopping excursion, try to estimate the total cost of the bill before you get to the register. Round items to the nearest dollar to make things easier.
Mental math
Play Hit the Button:
Math games
Play Make a Buck. The object of the game is to be the first person to collect ten cards that exactly equal $1.00. This game is played using a complete deck of cards. Ace = $0.01, Two = $0.02, Three = $0.03, … Tens = $0.10, Jack = $0.11, Queen = $0.12 and King = $0.13. To begin, shuffle the deck and deal ten cards to each player. Players then take turns drawing and discarding one card at a time until the deck of cards is depleted or a player collects exactly $1.00.
Idea from:
Research and Report
Make a poster to show different types of boats or the different parts of a boat.
Themed Fireworks Project
Using recycle bin materials, make a boat that will float in your bathtub.
6-week project
Investigate, research and observe the topic you chose last week. Collect interesting information into a notebook or binder. Work on your display.
Ride a pedal boat.
Other Ideas
Astronomy Project by Build-A-Project. Use promo code “celebration15” to get 15% off:
Make your own maritime flags.
Do some ocean experiments:
Knowing how to tie a few basic knots is essential to a boater's security. Good sailors take pride in their ability to choose and tie knots. Learn how to tie 4-8 different kinds of knots.
Make a Cartesian Diver:
The word scuba is an acronym for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. What acronyms would you use for your inventions?
Toss an inflatable globe around, each time tallying whether your left thumb landed on ocean or land when you catch the globe. Do this at least 100 times. Next, figure out the percentage of the times your thumb landed on water. This should give you a good approximation of what percentage of the earth is covered in water. How accurate is this experiment?
Make illustrations for the 10 water safety tips:
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