Journaling Fireworks

Workshop Activities
Craft - Bookmaking
Key Points - Journaling
Collaborative - Ambidexterity
Writing – Concrete Poetry
Math/Logic – Secret Code
Genius Principle – Role Models
Big Activity – Journal Prompts
Movement - Writing Relay
Field Trip
Orange County Museum of Art 10/11
Minecraft Class
Write in books
Mirror writing (symmetry quick builds)
Mad Libs
Build challenge: large picture books
Upcoming Activities
Book Arts Tour at International Printing Museum in Carson Wednesday, October 18, 10am $12 per person – we are still accepting registrations!
Celebration – Our own Renaissance Faire Wednesday, October 25, 10am
Mountain Gate Park in Corona Details in the works
Read through the fireworks and choose five that you think might interest your child. Allow him or her to select 1-3 of them.
Try using your nondominant hand for a day. Turn the lights on, brush your teeth, eat your breakfast, etc., with your other hand. Record your feelings and observations in your journal.
Create a display about an author.
Design a rating system for the books you read and use it to rate the books you've recently read.
Make a word cloud about a pencil.
Create a dance that will help you learn and remember the parts of speech.
Act out a chapter from a book you've read.
Create a fan deck about the parts of speech.
Try some ambidexterity experiments
Write your name with your nondominant hand.
Write the alphabet with your nondominant hand.
Draw circles, squares, and triangles with both hands at the same time.
Write your words backward.
Using materials that would have been available during the Renaissance, make your own book.
Assemble your own journaling-on-the-go kit.
Make some concrete poetry.
Create your own secret code. Using your secret code, write a sentence or two. Can anyone figure out what your code is?
Consider the people you admire. What do you like about them? What can you learn from them? Write your thoughts in your notebook.
Write in your notebook every day this week.
Play some spelling games:
Play some writing games:
Research the history of the English language.