
Workshop Class Activities
Craft – Prepare potion bottles
Key Points - Potions and Cures - Apothecary
Collaborative – Using the Scientific Method, students test various bubbles solutions
Writing - "Translate" Shakespeare
Math/Logic – Potions Proportions
Character Connection – The Inventor Inside - Prepare for April's Triwizard competition and science fair
Big Activity – Potions Class - Students experiment with acids and bases
Movement - Polyjuice Potion game
Weekly Disney Days Activities
Inner space
Molecules are the building blocks of life - Students make models of water molecules
Atoms are the building blocks of Molecules. Atoms determine what the molecule is
Atoms have a nucleus made up of positive and neutral electrons, while negative electrons orbit the nucleus. Math Challenge: Counting Electrons
Energy (and light) is released when a negative electron drops to a lower level of orbit from the nucleus.
By changing the negative electrons, the molecule can be changed, changing the element itself to a new element or material
Electrons, magnets and electricity have a clear relationship where magnets create electricity and electricity can create amazing magnetic forces
Prep Videos (watch at home): Atoms and Molecules for kids What is atoms
Standard Disney Days Activities
Craft: Students write with invisible ink
Main key Points - Elements - Students graph earth's elements
Collaboration – lifting ice experiment
Follow-up Activity – types of rocks
Chemical Reaction – expose invisible words
Hunt – petrified tree
Minecraft Class Activities
Potions Class: Students follow instructions to make Polyjuice Potion
Students experience various states of matter
Students make models of atoms
Build Challenge: Molecule models
Use marshmallows and toothpicks to make molecule models. See if others can figure out which molecules are which. You may need to give them a list of answers to choose from.
Pretend you are going to make a potion to cast a spell. What does your potion do? What ingredients do you need for your potion? Write your shopping list.
Using the classic vinegar and baking soda experiment, figure out what mixture creates the best reaction. Measure how much you put in each time and measure the result. Make a chart that illustrates the different tries. What ratio of vinegar to baking soda makes the best mixture?
Make an alphabet catalog of witches' potions.
Make some milk art:
Draw or make models of different molecules.
Make magic potion punch:
Make up your own molecule. What is it made of? What does it look like? What does it do? What is it called? Make a model or draw a sketch with an explanation.
The recipe for peanut butter balls is one part peanut butter, one part honey, and two parts dry milk. If you use a half cup of peanut butter, how much honey and dry milk do you need to mix in? What if you double it? Try out these recipes.
Draw several molecules, each on an index card. What order is best for filing these cards?
Learn about quantum Physics and Harry Potter:
Put various colors of sand in the potion bottles.
“Translate” some Shakespeare into a different type of English. For example, Australian, rapper, or Southern drawl.
Try a variety of experiments:
Predicting the future potions:
Do the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment.
Make Weasley’s exploding bath bomb:
Make magic mud (may use corn starch):
Take take the 3M Young Scientist Challenge:
Write a recipe for a secret potion. What does it do? How does it do it?