Enrichment Classes in San Dimas

Note: Enrichment classes may change as the year progresses, based on the interests of the students.

Classes held at:

St John's Episcopal Church

526 Magnolia Ave, Corona

Register today!

Mondays, 9-12: Curator's Workshop


Component 1

September 13-October 18


Ocean Zones and Shark Weeks

Explore the exciting world of life underwater in Ocean Zones and Shark weeks. In this S.T.E.A.M. class, students learn about the ocean with an emphasis on sharks as they create and build using Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. Each week is a STEAM challenge, with students creating a "build their own" solution to the question/ problem posed. A variety of materials will be available for students to utilize in their creations. Some of the projects include: building/ creating your own shark and making a shark cage strong enough to protect an undersea diver. Additional projects include helping to answer questions like: How do sharks float? and How can we best help ocean life after an oil spill? Weekly projects:

  1. Layers/ Zones (build your own ocean layers/ zones

  2. Ocean Currents: (experiment and create ocean currents)

  3. How do Sharks float? (create a shark bladder)

  4. Build a Shark (discover shark anatomy in more detail by creating your own shark)

  5. Shark Cage (create a cage which could withstand the impact of a powerful shark)

  6. Oil Spill Challenge (work on an important problem affecting our planet's oceans and creatures)


Playing with Numbers

Get comfortable with figures and calculations, recognizing patterns, and have more fun with math than you ever thought possible! Activities will promote working together for solutions, healthy competition among the class members, as well as a weekly challenge for each student to gauge their own personal progress in the form of a Math Minute (at their own level). Appropriate for all math grade levels.


Extreme Dinosaurs

One of the amazing things about dinosaurs is that new ones are being discovered all the time. From Micro monsters to the Super Heavy Weights and Master Minds, dinosaurs ruled the world! In this class, students collect knowledge of the many types of extreme dinosaurs through creation of their own pop up dinosaur book. Each week will be devoted to learning about and fun activities surrounding a different group of these incredible creatures. Weekly topics:

  1. Micro monsters

  2. Super heavy weights and the Longest and the Tallest

  3. Sprinters and Plodders

  4. Odd Balls and Tough Guys

  5. Ferocious Beasts and Master Minds

  6. Extreme Eaters and Big Heads


Crafty Science

Learn about our world, creatively. We’ll get messy, but we’ll clean up just fine! Unique crafts and fun experiments will teach scientific principles in action.


Tabletop Games: Natural History

Play games set in the themes of space and our natural world. Through the use of board games, we will develop strategy and observation skills, and learn such game mechanics as resource management, engine building, set collection, hand management, and others.

Register today!

Component 2

November 1-December 22


Old World Inventions: A STEAM class

  1. Building bridges ( Aqueducts)

  2. Catapult

  3. Greek Architecture Challenge ( post/ lintels)

  4. Chinese Pottery

  5. Pyramids

  6. Mummification


Roads to Rome

Students create a lapbook showing some of Rome' s cultural legacy

  1. Roman numerals and the first newspaper

  2. Plumbing, Arches, and Aquaducts

  3. Concrete and Roads

  4. The Codex and Roman Law

  5. Air conditioning, Surgical Tools

  6. Apartments, Postal Service

Register today!

Component 3

January 9 - February 14



  1. Code of Arms Shield

  2. Trebuchet

  3. Rockets

  4. Canon

  5. Boats that float

  6. Barricade challenge

10:15 - 11:15

Warriors/ Weapons; History goes to the victor

Students create a flip book comparing and contrasting warriors and weapons through the ages.

  1. Assyrians ( spearmen, iron tips)

  2. Spartans, Rome and Gladiators

  3. Samurai and Ninjas

  4. Medieval Knights

  5. Aztecs

  6. Zulu

Register today!

Component 4

February 28 - April 3

9:00 - 10:00

STEAM class

  1. Compass

  2. Steel Clad Ships ( tinfoil)

  3. Telegraph

  4. Hot air balloon/ submarine

  5. Covered wagon challenge

  6. Build a flashlight

10:15 - 11:15

Writing to Explore

  1. Travel Logs. ( journal: create)

  2. Travel Logs

  3. Charts/ Graphs/ Maps

  4. Poetry through Song lyrics

  5. Letter

  6. Secret Codes

Register today!

Component 5

April 17 - May 22

9:00 - 10:00

Art and Artists in the Modern World

  1. Impressionism: Monet and Van Gogh - create an impressionist work of art

  2. Pointillism: Seurat - Utilize a simple pointillism technique to create art work

  3. Surrealism/ Cubism: Dali, Picasso - Use shapes and collage to make a self portrait in the style of the cubists or surrealists

  4. Expressionism of Jackson Pollock - Splatter painting using a variety of tools (including paint squirt guns and fly swatters)

  5. Preparing for my close- up with Georgia O' Keefe - study a work of nature in intricate detail as students create art of their choosing.

  6. Comic book art with Benday dots - Learn about the great Benjamin Day and his legacy present in comic book art as students create their own comic book art.

10:15 - 11:15

This Is Me

My own expression in the world

  1. Self Portrait: use a variety of mediums to create a self- portrait.

  2. My Name meaning: explore the meaning of names as students create anagrapms and use art and writing to create a personal reflection.

  3. Me ( in my family) Genealogy with family history is fun! Complete a pictorial family history by creating a family tree with pictures ( drawn or photographs). Oral and written family stories will be shared.

  4. Me in my Community. As part of one community we share, as homeschoolers, we share some common experiences and opportunities to serve. Complete a service project for our community partners at San Dimas Church (bake cookies, recycle, paint, etc). Find out what community partner needs.

  5. Me in my state, country, world. Importance of communication and sharing of ourselves others. Students will choose a family member or friend in another state or country to communicate with ( by letter or email). Emphasis on gratitude and favorites. Famous letters will be shared.

  6. Finding my passion/ sharing Talents - AKA Celebration Education SGV chapter Open House/ Talent Show - Students will have the opportunity to share art work, science projects, poems, writing, songs, stories, dances, or whatever they choose. Parents invited
