CIV Enrichment in Santa Ana

Fridays, 9-2

March 1 - April 5

Take one, two, or three classes in one day

$330 for the full day for six weeks (3 classes in a day)

Register Now

9:30 - 10:30


Students are introduced to robotics basics, including robot building, programming, and competing!

Ages 5-12

$108 for six weeks

10:45 - 11:45

Lands of Sight and Sound

Music and art history, theory, and practice. Students are introduced to a variety of musicians, artists, styles, and techniques.

Ages 5-12

$108 for six weeks

12:30 - 1:30

Superhero Yoga

Yoga with superhero poses!

Ages 5-12

$108 for six weeks

Celebration Education's Learning Bottega

2020 East First Street, Suite 103, Santa Ana

Register Now
