Activities and Fireworks for Stories

January 14-18

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Chapters 2 & 3

Workshop Activities

1. Craft - Illustrations

2. Key Points – Famous Storytellers

3. Collaborative – Seven Stories

4. Writing – Concrete Poems

5. Math/Logic – Knot I

6. Genius Principle – Making Dreams Come True

7. Big Activity – Fractured Fairy Tales

8. Movement - Caucus-Race

Minecraft Activities

  1. caucus-race

  2. pictograph stories

  3. banned books

  4. collaborative story – Alice in Wonderland illustrations

  5. build challenge: book reports

Upcoming Events

  • Weekly teen hangouts in Santa Ana

  • Disneyland meetup: Friday, January 25: Alice in Wonderland, also Homeschool Day at Disneyland:

  • Field trips – Trips are currently being scheduled! New trips will be posted here:

  • 2/20 Celebration: Tea With Alice:


Read through the fireworks and choose about five that you think might interest your child. Allow him or her to select 1-3 of them.

  • When Charles Dodgson gave the first copy of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to Alice Liddell, he included his own illustrations. When the story was first published, it was illustrated by Sir John Tenniel. Disney illustrated the story anew with their animated feature film. Make your own illustrations for the story, including the book cover.

  • Choose four fairy tales. Survey others, asking which of the four they like best. Create a graph to show the results of your survey.

  • Write a critique of Grimms’ Fairy Tales. If these stories were written today, how do you think they would be received? What suggestions would you have for the Grimm Brothers?

  • Make a list of fairy tales, organized first by authors' names, then by the title of the story. Finally, make a list of fairy tales that is organized by when they may have been written.

  • Discuss with someone the importance that storytelling has in various cultures. Write about it in your journal.

  • Make a list of all the characters in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, organizing them into “good guys” and “bad guys” categories.

  • Pretend that you live in Storybook land. The local market has a bulletin board for people to post announcements. What is posted there? Make the bulletin board.

  • Write your favorite fairy tale in calligraphy. Decorate it with illuminated manuscript.

  • Make a phone book with all the fairy tale characters in it.

  • Using your favorite fairy tale, make a pop-up book.

  • Make a collection of your favorite fairy tales. Print them and place them in a binder, complete with index.

  • Many fairy tales have similarities. Organize five or more fairy tales, recognizing the similar elements among them.

  • Are fairy tales good or bad? Is fantasy important, or should we spend more time dealing with reality? Write your thoughts in your Journal.

  • Convert a fairy tale into what could be a true story.

  • What is a political caucus race? How is it similar to the caucus-race that Alice ran in the story?

  • Try more puzzle problems:

  • Compare the fantasy world to your own. What things do you wish were real? Write about what it would be like if these things existed today. How would your life be different?

  • Use synonyms to restate the phrase, “Once upon a time” and “Happily ever after.”

  • Pretend the Adventures of Alice in Wonderland was a series of ten books. What would be in each volume?

  • Think up your own novel that would be fun to write, Write out the outline for your story.

  • Throughout the ages, people have made many interesting chess pieces. Design your own chess pieces. Either make them yourself, or make the box that you set would be sold in if it were sold in a store.

  • Many people feel that the original fairy tales were too violent. Write a recall notice for the ones that would be too scary for children.

  • At the end of Through the Looking Glass, Lewis Carroll made an acrostic poem out of Alice Pleasance Liddell's name. This is the girl who Lewis Carroll originally told the story to. Make make an acrostic poem with your own name.

  • “Alice ate eight tarts.” Notice the homonyms in this sentence. Can you make some homonyms sentences yourself?

  • Sketch one of the scenes from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

  • Read the original script for Alice's Adventures Underground:

  • Make a list of Alice's strange experiences. Put them in order of strangeness.

  • Bedtime stories are a great pastime that is often overlooked. Make your own bedtime schedule that includes time for bedtime stories.

  • Was Alice a good girl or did she make poor choices? If you were in the same situations that she was in, would you make different decisions? Write your thoughts in your journal.

  • Tell a bedtime story to your mom or dad.

  • Using a story you write, Alice in Wonderland, or another classic story, be a storyteller. Tell the story in your own words to a group. What can you do to make it as interesting as possible? How can you best convey the emotion of the story?

  • Make your own comfits or sugar plums:

  • Do some math puzzles:







